I love bringing great deals and new-to-me authors to others. I’ve gotten to know Diane and her writing and love, love, love her time travel stories! In Beyond the Fall, her main character, Tamara, is dealing with present day troubles along with the annoying problem of falling into the past. Then she meets Colum and is truly torn between the past and present.
Here’s the great deal I mention above: Beyond the Fall is on sale for a very limited time for 99 cents!
Here’s a little bit about Diane:
What do you like to do when you aren’t writing? I love graphic arts, reading, traveling (my retired husband and I have been to every state except Alaska; also parts of Europe and Asia), camping, and playing with my two granddaughters.
Describe one of your favorite characters and tell us who you patterned them after and why. One of my favorite female characters is in my current novel, Beyond the Fall: Tamara Ledbetter. I enjoyed writing her because she is an intelligent modern woman who finds herself trapped in the past. She can be bold, sassy, and has to force herself to adjust to the foreign world of the 18th I think I patterned her after me. We are both from the San Francisco Bay Area, and have smart-mouthed, dry-witted, attitudes. Tamara is much more beautiful, of course.
Are you a plotter, a pantser or some combination of both? I’m a terrible ‘pantser.’ My first novel meandered forever because of that. Now, I have a basic idea of the story and often my characters tell me where they want to go. I’ve learned to write tighter and leaner, each scene with a meaning to advance plot or character.
How often do you write? I try to write every day, from 7:30 to 12:30. However, family, doctor appointments, or life in general, often gets in the way. I find I’m not as clear-headed in the later afternoon.
A fun fact about you or writing your book. I’ve often wanted to travel into the past, even since a child. That’s why I decided to write my first time travel, Beyond the Fall. I thought, how would I react to ‘falling’ back 200 years? And how long would it take for me to believe I actually was in the past? Most authors have their characters believe it instantly, and that’s not human nature. You’d question your sanity first.
What are you working on now? A Revolutionary War novel told from the Loyalists who supported the British side, called Her Vanquished Land. Most novels of this era are told from the rebels’ perspective, but I wanted to know how the other side dealt with their crumbling life, government, the possibility of being murdered, etc.
Beyond the Fall blurb: Tamara Ledbetter travels to Cornwall, England and researches her ancestors. In a neglected cemetery, she scrapes two fallen headstones together, faints, and wakes up in 1789, the year of The French Revolution, and grain riots. Farmer Colum Polwhele, a man with his own secrets, comes to her aid. Can a sassy San Francisco gal survive in this primitive time and fall for Colum, or will she struggle to return to her own time?
Visit Diane’s website: http://www.dianescottlewis.org
To purchase Beyond the Fall: https://amzn.to/2G2mhbC