I’ve been writing my entire life. Fiction was my first love, with stories handwritten in a notebook when I was seven years old. By the time I reached college, it was a full-fledged passion and something I was determined to make into a career.
But who makes a living writing? That was the quandary. At the time, journalism seemed a great way to go. Newspapers were booming, had healthy readerships and the Internet was still percolating in a lab somewhere. I got a degree in journalism and happily spent a number of years reporting, editing and, most importantly, writing.
You know what happened next. Everything changed. Newspapers lost their luster and appeal. It was time for me to return to fiction.
Except for this blog.
This will be a journal of sorts about what it’s like to become a fiction writer and author. I hope to add tips and pitfalls along the way.
A big part of this journey of mine is being in Idaho so I hope to include some posts about this beautiful state where I live. It’s influenced my writing and is the setting for my first suspense series, Wild Crime.
Anyway, here we go.