Authors often refer to their books as their babies, as in “I don’t have a favorite book — that would be like having a favorite child,” or “I love all my books equally.” Sometimes, as our real children grow older, we spend more time with our book babies than our real ones. So, why not […]
House of Seven Spirits on pre-sale
We arrived in Sydney, Australia on a steamy day in early February a year ago. Behind us a good 20 hours in travel was snowy Idaho. We’d long since stripped off sweaters, coats and hats and thrilled to the summer heat of this opposite side of the world. We were exhausted from the long flights […]
My book’s on sale for 99 cents. Am I crazy?
Do I hate it when one of my books goes on sale? My hard work, hours and hours spent over the course of a year or more, sold off for pennies? And here’s more: If my book sells for 99 cents, I don’t even receive that much since my publisher takes the lion’s share and […]
Australia Burns now released!
I just ordered my copy of Australia Burns, an anthology where the proceeds go to assist recovery efforts from their extreme fires. This anthology is the first in a series of three my publisher, The Wild Rose Press, is issuing this month. This first one has thirteen short stories, all mysteries and thrillers, and includes […]
Authors for Australia fundraiser underway
Australia is much on my mind these days. The wildfires and devastation there fills my news feed. After visiting a couple of its largest cities last year, I’m shocked to now see pictures of the smoke that chokes these places. The lost lives. The animals burned. The scorched earth. I’m so grateful to be part […]
Welcome author Peggy Jaeger
Best-selling author Peggy Jaeger is known for her delightful romances. She’s surprised herself — and her readers — by jumping genres and writing something she calls “romantic suspense lite.” What’s that? She explains a bit about her upcoming release, A Pride of Brothers, and the definition of romantic suspense lite here: Switching Years, Switching Genres […]