Authors often refer to their books as their babies, as in “I don’t have a favorite book — that would be like having a favorite child,” or “I love all my books equally.” Sometimes, as our real children grow older, we spend more time with our book babies than our real ones. So, why not celebrate book birthdays too!
Jennifer Wilck is doing just that with “Five Minutes to Love,” as one way to highlight a previous book. She chats a bit here about other ways she uses to bring attention to her backlist. Take it away, Jennifer:
I want to thank Julie for letting me talk about one of the books in my backlist today. Marketing and promoting our books is one of the most difficult things for an author to do. Not only are many of us introverts, but there are so many books out there, it’s almost impossible to draw attention to a particular one at a given time.
This is especially true when the book isn’t a new release. But backlist books are what keep authors employed as we write our next book, so finding ways to promote them is essential. There are several ways I do it.
The first is by highlighting a book during its “book birthday.” Five Minutes to Love released in March of 2018 (March 21st, to be precise). I’ll be offering a 99-cent-sale from March 6-20. I’m appearing on this blog, to extend my reach with readers. And if there are any cute Twitter or Facebook promotions, I’ll take advantage of them and how they relate to my book.
The second is by following a literary calendar that one of my promo friends puts together every year. You’ve probably seen National Pancake Day or Chocolate Day (my favorite). Well, someone came up with literary days for much of the year. I keep track of them, and try to relate as many as I can with my books. For Five Minutes to Love, for example, I’ll take advantage of “Myths and Legends Day” in October, since my heroine’s nephew (and the hero) like pirates. I’ll put together some graphics ad combine them with an appropriate excerpt. And of course, the more generic “Read Across America Day” can apply to any book.
And third, I am constantly tweeting and sharing things on Twitter and in Facebook groups that apply to my backlist books. Because the hero and heroine in Five Minutes to Love are Jewish, I highlight the book in the Jewish Books group on Facebook. I’ll share a #FirstKiss or a #MeetCute on Twitter – my hero and heroine met thanks to a failed speed date, so that’s easy and fun.
How successful am I? Well, I sell books throughout the year, so hopefully I’m keeping my name and my books in the minds of readers. I’d love to hear your ideas, though. What do you do to get your backlist noticed? Or, if you’re a reader, what makes you take a second look at a book?
Author bio:
Jennifer started telling herself stories as a little girl when she couldn’t fall asleep at night. Pretty soon, her head was filled with these stories and the characters that populated them. Even as an adult, she thinks about the characters and stories at night before she falls asleep or walking the dog. Eventually, she started writing them down. Her favorite stories to write are those with smart, sassy, independent heroines; handsome, strong and slightly vulnerable heroes; and her stories always end with happily ever after.
In the real world, she’s the mother of two amazing daughters and wife of one of the smartest men she knows. When she’s not writing, she loves to laugh with her family and friends, is a pro at finding whatever her kids lost in plain sight, and spends way too much time closing doors that should never have been left open in the first place. She believes humor is the only way to get through the day and does not believe in sharing her chocolate.
She writes contemporary romance, some of which are mainstream and some of which involve Jewish characters. She’s published with The Wild Rose Press and all her books are available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Here’s a blurb for Five Minutes to Love:
Aviva Shulman has had enough of the dating scene. Her father valued his high-powered career over his wife and family. She wants something more, someone who values her. But her roommates are determined to find her the perfect match.
Jacob Black doesn’t have time for relationships. A third-year law student, he’s focused on studying and getting a high-paying job with a top-notch law firm. But his overbearing mother wants him to find someone and settle down.
Their paths cross at a speed dating event and sparks fly. But is five minutes long enough to determine a future together?
...and an excerpt:
Aviva grabbed her ball, patted his arm, and aimed at the pins. Strike. She didn’t move. Jacob couldn’t figure out why she stood still, until her shoulders began to shake.
She was laughing. At him.
She turned around. Tears ran down her face. She inhaled. “I’m sorry. I swear I have no idea how it happened.”
“Sure you don’t.” As his grin widened, he bit the insides of his cheeks, folded his arms and did his best to look sad. “What a way to get a guy when he’s down.”
“You’re not down. You just challenged the bowling gods. They don’t like human challengers.”
“Bowling gods?”
“Of course. How else do you think we recreational bowlers manage it?” She stepped toward him. Her green eyes were wide with fake innocence.
“Bowling gods.”
“Exactly. You challenged them.” At this point, they were toe-to-toe. Her floral scent wafted around him. He refocused on her words.
“As you like to say, Aviva, technically, I challenged you.”
“Yes, but with bowling skill, so you actually challenged them too.”
She looked supremely satisfied with her circuitous bowling logic. Jacob had an urge to kiss her. Her lips were full and pink and tantalizingly close.
Buy Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Five-Minutes-Love-Serendipity-Book-ebook/dp/B079WMLNJB
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/five-minutes-to-love-jennifer-wilck/1128011304?ean=2940158814495
Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/five-minutes-to-love/id1352851082
Author Links:
Website: https://www.jenniferwilck.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jennifer-Wilck-201342863240160/
Newsletter: https://www.jenniferwilck.com/contact.html#newsletter
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JWilck