I’m so excited to feature another fellow author on my blog today! Award-winning Brenda Sparks writes suspenseful paranormal romances and recently released the fourth book in her Alpha Council Chronicles series.
She’s a busy woman – working full time and squeezing in a writing life whenever she can. Her idea of a perfect day is one spent in front of a computer with a hot cup of coffee, her fingers flying over the keys to send her characters off on their latest adventure.
You can chat with her via my Facebook page (Aug. 10) or visit her on her web page at http://brenda-sparks.com/index.html. Thanks for the visit today, Brenda!
What’s Alpha Pair all about?
How strong is the blood that binds? Tatiana Bolovich is a beautiful femme fatale with a haunting history. Having recently discovered the brutish Demetri Romanoff is her heartmate, she spent the past year avoiding him, but the Fates have other plans.
Demetri commands every situation. A strong, valiant warrior he’s used to being in control, that is until he is kidnapped by demons. Forced to endure unspeakable experiments at the hands of his enemy, the Alpha discovers just how out of control life can get.
Summoned by the Alpha Council, Tatiana grudgingly helps track Demetri down, promising herself that she will disappear from his life forever once the job is done. But matters of the heart are not so easily ignored. Will she give him a chance to prove himself, or will she deny her nature and slip away into the night?
Book Excerpt:
The Alpha swung a leg over the motorcycle and tugged on his helmet. “You coming anytime this century, woman?”
Tatiana pulled her helmet down over her dark hair, the blunt ends sticking out from under it like twigs in a nest.
“Hold your horses, Romanoff.” She straddled her bike.
Demetri shifted the bike from its stand and rousted the thing with a kick of his booted heel. He gunned the throttle. “My horses want to go,” he called over the roar of the sports bike.
Tatiana started the motorcycle she borrowed from Marcus with a push of a button. The black beast growled to life. “Well, what are we waiting for then? I bet I can get to the counseling center before you.”
The howl of her engine made further conversation impossible when she revved the machine.
They tore off down the gravel drive, the bikes fishtailing. Bits of gravel spit out behind them. Demetri gunned his engine and took the lead. He flashed her a brilliant smile when he passed, making it almost worth being second place. But not quite.
As they rounded out of the gated fence onto the road, Tatiana cut under him to regain the lead.
He shook his head. Life will never be dull with you, tigress warrior. You are a fierce competitor, but then so am I.
Buy Links:
Amazon: mybook.to/AlphaPair
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/alpha-pair/id1403818041?mt=11&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/alpha-pair-brenda-sparks/1128881136?ean=2940162103929
Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/forBrendaSparks
Twitter Handle: @brenda_sparks https://twitter.com/brenda_sparks
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/BrendaSparks
Facebook Author Page : http://www.facebook.com/brenda.sparksauthor.1